A stylish statement! Evan Rachel Wood wore a suit that spoke volumes at the Golden Globes in Beverly Hills on Sunday, January 8. Wood, who’s nominated for HBO’s Westworld, made a conscious choice to skip a frilly ball gown or a sleek column dress to walk the red carpet. See her look in the clip above!
Instead of a dress, Wood went with a custom Altuzarra tuxedo, complete with a white bow-tie blouse, channeling Marlene Dietrich (a famed cabaret singer), David Bowie (who would’ve turned 70 today), and inspiring all young girls watching.
“It’s my third nomination, and I’ve been to the Globes six times. I’ve worn a dress every time. I love dresses,” the Into the Forest star, 29, explained to E! News. “I want to make sure that young girls and women knew that they are not a requirement. You don’t have to wear one if you don’t want to. Just be yourself; your worth is more than that.”
Octavia Spencer, who’s nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for Hidden Figures, also chose to go with pants, picking a navy blue Laura Boschi tuxedo and Lorraine Schwartz baubles. “I may have to talk to [Schwartz] about keeping that,” Spencer joked of her 40-carat emerald cocktail ring.