It’s here! Netflix has finally released a trailer for Anne, its highly anticipated adaptation of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 coming-of-age novel Anne of Green Gables. Told across eight episodes, the story focuses on orphan Anne Shirley Cuthbert (played by relative newcomer Amybeth McNulty), who is accidentally sent to Prince Edward Island to live with a pair of aging siblings who had planned to adopt a boy to help work their farm (the titular Green Gables).
Even if you haven’t read the book (or haven’t seen one of the other adaptations), it’s hard not to root for the feisty redhead when she exclaims, “Girls can do anything a boy can do — and more!” Another epic moment: when she fights back against a classmate who had been taunting her.
The series begins streaming on May 12, but we’ve already got our tissues handy.