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Johnny Bananas Is Excited (and Hunter’s Pissed) Over Final Redemption Twist: Watch ’The Challenge’ Sneak Peek (Exclusive)

Johnny Bananas on The Challenge
Johnny Bananas on The Challenge

It’s time for one last shot at redemption. In an exclusive sneak peek of The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30, the competitors in the redemption house head to their final challenge.

In this competition, those fighting to get back in the game must stick their heads through holes in a board and read numbers on the Old City Wall. They then use those numbers in a combination lock. However, the longer they’re there, the more chance they have at getting hit.

In a human-version of WHAC-A-MOLE, the cast members still in the game actually get to whack the head’s of the hopefuls. “I have to stand around and whack people on the head,” Kailah Casillas said. “People like Britni [Thornton] and Cara [Maria Sorbello], who I completely do not want to see back in this game, are going to get bopped a lot more.”

Johnny Bananas on The Challenge
Johnny Bananas on The Challenge

What’s the twist? While only one girl will be let back in the house, two guys get to go back in the game.

“I’m stoked,” Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio says when TJ Lavin reveals the twist. “Instead of bringing one guy back from redemption, they’re gonna bring two. I’ve won six challenges. I literally feel like every season, if I don’t win, it’s a total failure.”

Hunter Barfield, on the other hand, is not thrilled.

“It is crazy to me that there’s two spots open for the guys to come back in,” he says. “Second guy can thank Nelson [Thomas] for that one. I’m pissed. I’m pissed!”

Hunter Barfield on The Challenge
Hunter Barfield on The Challenge

Nelson was sent home early after he “showed a pattern of disruptive behavior,” as Lavin put it — i.e., he came at Derrick Kosinski and actually swung at him while drunk.

The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 airs on MTV Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET.

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