All’s well that ends well! During the final installment of The Real Housewives of New York City‘s season 8 reunion special on Bravo, the ladies dug deep to hash out some of their biggest battles of the season. While plenty of zingers were thrown — and two of the Housewives threatened to storm off set (at different times) — it did seem that host Andy Cohen was able to move the conversations forward and help the gang find some peace … or something that resembled peace, anyway.
Sonja vs. Dorinda
First up were Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley. Sonja was still bent out of shape that Dorinda hadn’t invited her to that (miserable!) night in the Berkshires. After all of her costars praised her for still being fun without having a drop to drink, Sonja said thank you, and then promptly scolded Dorinda just the same.
“Friends don’t exclude friends,” Sonja said. “I’m hurt.” Dorinda continued to insist she had left Sonja off the guest list out of love, while Bethenny Frankel rolled her eyes and said, “It’s one night in the Berkshires!” The Skinnygirl creator then told Sonja to “reel it in” as Sonja began to get teary-eyed over the slight.
“I don’t want to be a part of this show!” Sonja declared as she stood up from the couch and pointed at Dorinda. “She doesn’t care about my feelings at all! … She did not call to have lunch. She did not call to get together with Ramona! She did not introduce me to Jules! She didn’t want me at the Berkshires!” When Andy pointed out how everyone seemed to be really supporting her in her efforts to refrain from drinking, Sonja sniffled and mumbled that their positive words were just “a cover-up.”
Bethenny vs. Sonja
When asked about Tipsy Girl, both Bethenny and Sonja braced themselves — but no explosion really came. Bethenny admitted that she’d gone overboard when she dragged Sonja over the proverbial coals in her office and admitted she was so “enraged” she’d lost control. Dorinda agreed that Bethenny had been “horrible” to Sonja — and when Sonja said she understood where Bethenny had been coming from, Dorinda jumped in to remind her she had been “humiliated.” Tonight, this argument was less between Sonja and Bethenny and more between Dorinda and Bethenny … because Sonja seemed pretty over it, but Dorinda clearly was not.
Bethenny later moved on directly to Dorinda, calling her the “village idiot.” Dorinda said she was just “positive” and “hopeful,” but Bethenny corrected her, explaining, “You’re always the last to know.” Jules Wainstein piped up to say that Bethenny was the “alpha” in the group, and Bethenny said she knew that. OK, then … moving on.
It also came out that Ramona Singer had considered doing Tipsy Girl because Peter (Sonja’s business partner on the deal) had approached her about it as well. Ramona argued that she didn’t move forward with it because she realized the potential conflict with Skinnygirl. It sounded a little sketchy, but Bethenny let it slide.
Sonja vs. Luann
This one’s short. Sonja made some snarky, mean comments during the season about Luann de Lesseps‘ engagement ring and her friend’s yacht. Sonja apologized and admitted that she deserved to be “bitch-slapped.” Luann said it was fine, and everyone moved on.
Luann vs. Bethenny
Yet again, Bethenny was forced to recount everything that led to her telling Luann about Tom making out with another woman at the hotel bar, so they could dissect her actions and motives and decide if she’d handled the situation correctly or not. Luann reasoned that of course she wanted to be told about Tom being unfaithful, but explained, “I want to know in a respectful way from a dear friend who has my best interests in mind, not from somebody who doesn’t respect me, who called me the names that you did and on top of it shares it with me in front of the whole world!”
Dorinda chimed in to assert that by telling Ramona and Carole Radziwill first, Bethenny had given them “front-row seats to the crucifixion of Luann.” Then it was Bethenny’s turn to fake-storm-out. Like Sonja, she dramatically sprang from the sofa and looked like she was making her way off set, but sat back down about .5 seconds later.
For her part, Luann said Bethenny should have gone to Dorinda with the photo instead of the other two girls because Luann is closer with Dorinda, so it would have been better to hear it from her. Bethenny thought that was nonsense, arguing there was no good way to hear this kind of information. (She had a point.)
There was then a lot of back-and-forth about whether it was appropriate of Bethenny to ask Lu if she and Tom had an open relationship. Ultimately, Luann admitted that Tom “screwed up badly,” “drank too much” and “didn’t remember anything.” Luann said it was “shocking” and “embarrassing,” and admitted she was completely “devastated.” Still, she didn’t like the way Bethenny had chosen to break the news.
“Next time I get a picture of your fiancé of one week making out with someone, I’ll know exactly what to do!” Bethenny snapped.
Luann vs. Luann
The conversation then moved on to what happened between Luann and Tom after she got back to the city. (This had all happened while Lu was celebrating her engagement with the other women in Miami.) Dorinda tried to convince Lu to stay with her, but she had beelined for the Regency Hotel (the scene of the crime) instead.
“I didn’t want her to be with him,” Dorinda admitted.
Luann didn’t care, though, saying for the bazillionth time that she loved Tom and decided not to let this one slip-up ruin their life together.
“And if you found out he did this again?” Ramona asked. “What would you do?” Luann confirmed that would be a problem, and she would want to know. Ramona followed up later asking if she was “sure” she would want to know, prompting Andy to ask her if she knew something. Ramona said she didn’t, but her face suggested otherwise, although everyone left it alone.
Luann then reported that they were busy making their wedding plans, reasoning, “If we can get through this, we can get through everything.” She reminded everyone she was going to marry Tom, just in case anyone had forgotten. Andy asked Luann what she loved about Tom, and she rattled off some attributes that included his sense of humor and passion for the same sports.
Ramona argued they shouldn’t get married just because they both liked skiing. “You don’t marry someone” because of that, she said. “Maybe Luann does,” Carole shrugged. Luann didn’t even glorify that slap with a response. “Tom and I are in love, and we’re getting married, and we’re going to have a great future together,” she added. But it was unclear who she was trying to convince more: the rest of the group, or herself.
Tell Us: Do you think Luann and Tom will actually get married?