In the wake of the first installment of acclaimed crime doc Ted Bundy: The Survivors, REELZ follows up with more chilling first-hand reports from women still seeking closure 30 years after they were attacked by the brutal serial killer and somehow survived.
Kathy Kleiner was a 20-year-old student at Florida State University when the serial killer entered her sorority house at 3:00 a.m.
“A dark shape, a dark figure, I’m trying to focus my eyes, not knowing what I was looking at,” Kleiner recalls. “I saw his arm raise up, he brought it down and hit my face with such force that it shattered my jaw.”
The serial killer became infamous for attacking female college students in the 1970s during a string of violent attacks that left as many as 100 young women dead.
“He knew that I was still alive. I was crunched up in a ball waiting for the next blow,” Kleiner continues.
Ted Bundy’s reign of terror spanned the country and inspired the movies Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho and the latest from Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile. But for all the women who were murdered by this monster, there are a handful who somehow survived. The ground-breaking conclusion to the two-part crime documentary recounts their shocking stories.
For more first-hand accounts and chilling details, tune in to Ted Bundy: The Survivors, Part 2 Saturday, October 10, at 8 ET/PT on REELZ.
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