The story of Steven Avery continues. On Tuesday, September 25, Netflix announced that part two of their smash hit docuseries, Making a Murderer, will air in October, tweeting out a new teaser. “Once somebody is convicted, they have to move mountains to get out of prison,” the voiceover in the teaser says. And that’s exactly what Avery has to do.
Part one told the story of Avery, now 56, who was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in 2007 without the possibility of parole, for the murder of photographer Teresa Halbach.
In part two, executive producers, writers and directors Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos return to investigate the cases of Brendan Dassey and his uncle, Avery. The second part will consist of 10 episodes and provide an “in-depth look at the high-stakes postconviction process, exploring the emotional toll the process takes on all involved,” Netflix revealed. (Dassey was found guilty of first-degree murder and second degree sexual assault for his alleged involvement in Halbach’s murder. He was sentenced to life in prison in 2007.)
“Steven and Brendan, their families and their legal and investigative teams have once again graciously granted us access, giving us a window into the complex web of American criminal justice,” Ricciardi and Demos said in a statement. “Building on Part 1, which documented the experience of the accused, in Part 2, we have chronicled the experience of the convicted and imprisoned, two men each serving life sentences for crimes they maintain they did not commit. We are thrilled to be able to share this new phase of the journey with viewers.”
In 2016, the official Making a Murderer Twitter account tweeted, “It’s not over. #MakingaMurderer will return.” On Tuesday, Netflix responded to the tweet, writing, “Psssssst. hey! hey! hey! I need to talk to you immediately!” Making a Murderer answered, “Long time no talk. Is it time?”
Long time no talk. Is it time?
— Making A Murderer (@MakingAMurderer) September 25, 2018
The upcoming episodes will feature Avery’s new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, as she tries to prove his innocence in the case of Halbach’s murder. His post conviction lawyers, Laura Nirider and Steven Drizen, will also appear.
Season one of Making a Murderer, which premiered in December 2015, is now streaming on Netflix. Part two arrives on October 19.