Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian were violently murdered on Wednesday's episode of South Park — and they are flattered!
"We were all dying when we saw this clip from South Park… literally, LOL," Kim, 29, blogged of the show, which featured the whole Kardashian family getting shot to death as they were about to go underwear shopping.
PHOTOS: The Kardashian family album
"They killed us all!!! Khloe, Kourt, Bruce, mom and me!! I managed to survive the longest… of course!" adds Kim.
Kourtney, 30, was killed off first. "How rude! Southpark!!" she joked on Twitter.
Khloe, 25, joked that the family "looked soooooooo gross LOL" except for step-dad Bruce Jenner, who "looked pretty spot-on — haha."
Despite getting wiped out, the girls were thrilled to be featured.
"Thanks Trey Parker and Matt Stone… we're honored!" Kim wrote to the show's creators.