Big Brother: All-Stars has arrived — and this time, it looks a bit different. Season 22 kicked off on Wednesday, August 5, with host Julie Chen announcing the first four cast members and revealing the rules. In four groups of four, contestants entered the house and participated in a puzzle. The first two to finish in each group — or one, if the 4-minute time limit ran out — moved on to the HoH competition.
Nicole Franzel, Christmas Abbott, Da’Vonne Rogers and Daniele Donato were the first (masked, of course) group to enter. However, only Christmas finished it so she was the only one to advance. The next group included Tyler Crispen, Ian Terry, Kevin Campbell and Enzo Palumbo. Ian and Kevin were the first to complete.
The third group included Janelle Pierzina, Bayleigh Dayton, Nicole Anthony and Keesha Smith. In that group, Nicole was the only one to advance to the HOH. Lastly, Kaysar Ridha, Cody Calafiore, Memphis Garrett and David Alexander competed; Memphis and Cody both completed the puzzle.
After the group got to meet each other in the house, it was time for Memphis, Cody, Ian Kevin, Nicole A. and Christmas to compete in the HoH competition, which was a bit of a balancing act. Cody completed the comp the fastest, becoming the first HoH of the season.
All of the others who competed were given an envelope during the challenge. Inside Christmas’ envelope was $5,000 but the other four received a have-not card, meaning they have to sleep in a different room, take cold showers and eat slop all week.
The episode wrapped with Chen teasing an upcoming twist with the houseguests. Throughout the summer, new rooms will be revealed, each creating a new twist. The first room will be the “Safety Suite,” and the cast will receive VIP passes inside. More details on that to come!
Big Brother airs on CBS Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sunday at 8 p.m. ET.