Falling over from laughter! An adorable pet Arctic fox named Archer has gone viral thanks to his sense of humor. His owner, Battle Creek, Michigan, resident Kristina Shafer, shared a beyond-hilarious Vine video this week of the critter giggling exactly like a human.
Seriously, it’s terrifying, unbelievable and downright amusing all at once.
Shafer revealed to ABC News that Archer usually cracks up when her boyfriend chuckles. “[Archer’s] laughter is contagious, and he brings us a lot of joy,” she said.
Shafer brought Archer home as a cub from a breeder in Indiana. “Arctic foxes are definitely not for everyone since they’re not the easiest pet to have, but I did a lot of research and decided they were for me,” she explained. “They take a lot of dedication in terms of training.”
Luckily, Archer learned quickly. He now knows his name and sits on command, among other things.
“He’s a very vocal, very loving, very happy fox,” Shafer said. “He also does some happy ‘screams,’ and he honestly sounds like a monkey sometimes. He also does a howl whenever he’s out in the yard and wants attention or wants to come inside.”
Watch Archer’s contagious laugh in the video above!