Stanley Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian, created a GoFundMe to raise money for Shelley Duvall after the Shining actress revealed she’s struggling with mental illness during an interview with Dr. Phil on Friday, November 18.
The famous director’s daughter previously slammed the talk-show host for putting Duvall in the spotlight, blasting the interview as “a form of lurid and exploitative entertainment” that is “appallingly cruel.”
In the interview, Duvall looks almost unrecognizable while claiming that her Popeye costar Robin Williams isn’t dead, but “shape-shifting,” and that she’s being threatened by a fictional character from Robin Hood, among other worrying statements.
“Showing your love and support for Shelley Duvall by making a donation can start her back on the road to independence and perhaps back to health and for her fans, more superb performances!” the GoFundMe page for the campaign reads.
As of Friday evening, the campaign had raised more than $7,000 of the goal $100,000.
“I just think she deserves a great deal more respect,” Kubrick told The Hollywood Reporter of the once in-demand actress. “I am just trying to collect as much money as I can.”