Somebody pass us a fan! President Barack Obama showed the world his super-suave dance moves in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Wednesday, March 23, at an official state dinner. Pairing up with a professional dancer, Obama, 54, displayed some major tango skills on the dance floor. Quite frankly, we needed to take a cold shower after watching.
Since it’s Thursday, we got some serious throwback memories of the last sitting president to show off his moves while in office.
Former President George W. Bush caused a stir on the Internet when he danced at the White House back in April 2007. During an event promoting Malaria Awareness Day, Bush, now 69, joined in some rhythmic festivities with the KanKouran West African Dance Company in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, D. C. There was a lot of offbeat drumming and gesticular movements from the 43rd POTUS, and the visual hasn’t left our minds since.
Us Weekly Video put these leaders to the test, to see who is commander in chief of the dance floor. Watch the video above and tell us who wins in the comments!