Mila Kunis has been trolling Vice President Mike Pence on a monthly basis. The actress revealed on Conan that she set up an recurring donation to Planned Parenthood in the conservative politician’s name.
“This is when a lot of hate mail comes my way. I apologize if I’m offending anybody,” Kunis, 34, prefaced during an appearance on the TBS late-night show on Thursday, November 2. “It’s not so much a prank as much as I disagreed with some of the stuff that Pence was doing and was trying to do. And so, as a reminder that there are women in the world that may or may not agree with his platform, I put him on a list of reoccurring donations that are made in his name to Planned Parenthood.”
As the audience cheered, the Bad Moms Christmas actress continued, “Every month to his office, he gets a little letter that says, ‘An anonymous donation has been made in your name.’ I don’t look at it as a prank. This is just, like, I strongly disagree [with him], and this is my little way of showing it. It’s a peaceful protest.”
Pence, 58, is a longtime opponent of abortion rights. In January, he became the first-ever vice president to speak at the annual March for Life event in Washington, D.C. Two months later, he cast a tie-breaking vote that allowed the U.S. Senate to move forward with an effort to roll back a Barack Obama-era regulation that prevented states from defunding health care providers.
Kunis, who emigrated from Ukraine to the U.S. as a child, has also publicly ridiculed President Donald Trump. In response to his views on immigration, she told Glamour in July 2016, “[My family] came here on a religious refugee visa, and I’m not going to blow this country up. I’m clearly paying taxes. I’m not taking anything away. … It saddens me how much fear we’ve instilled in ourselves.”