Mark Consuelos has had enough of trolls who have been body-shaming wife Kelly Ripa. The Riverdale actor, 46, took to Instagram with a lengthy response to those who have been spreading negativity on Wednesday, March 28.
Some of the unwanted remarks began to pour in after Consuelos shared a photo of a bikini-clad Ripa smiling in the ocean over the weekend. “Sultry Sundays with the sexy one are my fave…” he wrote at the time. He went on to note in the comments section that he “wanted to take a couple of days to weigh in” before he addressed the critics.
“Probably should’ve earlier arguably. But I wanted to be above it. Well, not I’m not. I posted this pic of the women I most admire,” the actor wrote. “As a playful tribute to my wife who I’m proud of in endless ways. She works extremely hard in her professional life and her commitment to exercise, healthy diet is admirable and the benefits show. Yes she’s wearing a bikini at age 47 and will no doubt wear one for many years to come.”
He continued: “If that offends you in some way, if it triggers you, or some other psychosis you’re suffering from, I suggest you get over it and get used to it. To all the males that had something negative to say. I suggest you bring it up with me if ever I’m lucky enough to run into you. I’m going to get back to my vacation now.. thanks for allowing me to express myself. I love you @kellyripa… keep killing it.”
This isn’t the first time Consuelos has slammed social media trolls. Earlier this month, he and Ripa hit back when people criticized his height. “He’s tall where it counts babe,” Ripa replied at the time. Consuelos added: “Please tell me how it is I can try to look taller. I’m dying to know.”