Not impressed. Jean-Claude Van Damme appeared on the Australian morning talk show Sunrise on Thursday, July 28, via satellite from Bangkok and had a meltdown mid-interview. The Bloodsport actor, 55, lost his cool and stormed off the set after accusing the hosts of asking “boring” questions.
At first, Van Damme seemed irritated by the distractions behind the camera. “Guys, you are talking behind the cameras,” he said. “I’m online talking to you and I have people behind that camera talking about … because I’m sweating and everything.”
Then a question about his Street Fighter costar Kylie Minogue really set him off. In 2012, Van Damme revealed that he had a relationship with the Aussie native while they were filming the 1994 action movie in Thailand.
“Yeah, I like Kylie. I like everybody. … Sorry, guys, I cannot do this anymore. You are talking to a guy who’s very rough, you know. Let me talk,” the Belgian actor said. “The press, they have been asking me the same questions for the last 25 years. How’s Kylie? How’s the training? How’s your this? How’s your that?”
“Those interviews you are giving me on TV right now, they are very boring because the questions are very boring,” he continued. “It’s difficult for me to answer those questions so I start to sweat, I don’t feel good because they are boring and I knew this. OK, next question. You have something interesting to ask me?”
He finally decided he had enough and stood up to leave the interview. “What the f–k is going on with Australia?” Van Damme sniped before ripping off his microphone and announcing he had to use the bathroom.
The Expendables 2 star was on the show to promote his speaking tour in Australia, which begins in August.