Just three weeks after Pepsi released a politically charged ad starring Kendall Jenner, Heineken has made a social justice statement of their own. The beer company recently released a four-minute YouTube video titled “Worlds Apart: An Experiment,” in which six strangers with different political and social views were divided into three partnerships and tasked with working together to build stools, and eventually a bar.
Later in the process, participants were able to see what their partners had confessed to producers before the experiment began — and the pairs quickly began to realize their political differences. One transgender woman watched her assigned partner say that being transgender was “not right,” while another pairing realized their starkly different opinions on climate change. Despite their differences, each duo stayed to talk and work through their opinions — over beer, of course.
While the ad has been called “brilliant” by celebrities including Sarah Silverman, Pepsi’s since-pulled protest-themed commercial, titled “Live For Now Moments Anthem,” was panned by critics who accused the drink vendor of using Black Lives Matter and other movements to sell their product.