He couldn’t wait to arrive! Seth Meyers and his wife, Alexi Ashe, have welcomed their second child together. And he just so happened to be born in the lobby of their apartment.
“I called 911 and over the course of a minute conversation, I said, ‘We’re about to have a baby — we’re having a baby — we had a baby,'” the late-night host recalled during his show on Monday, April 9.
The New York Police Department and fire department got to the couple just after their son — Axel Strahl — did. They helped cut the umbilical chord and neighbors continued to put towels in the dryer to keep the newborn warm.
“I’m getting choked up thinking about how brave I was,” Meyers joked, as he wiped away real tears.
Meyers, 44, and the human rights lawyer officially became a family of four on Sunday. The pair — who tied the knot at Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts in September 2013 — are already parents of son Ashe, 2.
“Your life completely changes, but it changes so much less than the mother’s life changes. Mine’s pretty similar except there’s a baby at home in the morning and at night, but I still go to work,” Meyers said of fatherhood during the Today show in May 2016. “I haven’t been great as far as being an assistant to my wife, in that the baby will wake up a couple times in the middle of the night and then I’ve been adding a third wake-up because I have night terrors about where the baby is. So I’ve been waking up, grabbing my wife’s face, saying, ‘I don’t know where the baby is.’ Then I just go back to sleep.”