What a divine surprise! Alicia Zeek and her fiancé, Zac Smith, say an ultrasound photo taken on August 1 showed not only their baby girl, but also an image of what appears to be Jesus in a white robe watching over her.
“I was shocked,” the Pennsylvania-based mom tells Us Weekly. “Then I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.”
Zeek, 32, had been feeling anxious up until that point. Her daughter Alazeah, 7, has pre-axial polydactyly, a condition that resulted in her having two thumbs on her left hand, and her son, Kayson, 2, was born with a cleft lip and palate.
Smith, 26, who is not religious, also felt a wave of calm wash over when he saw the photo. “I was like, ‘Look, babe, we have nothing to worry about,’” he told local news station Fox 43. And he was right: their daughter Brielle Angel-Marie arrived with no complications on August 22.
Dr. Lisa Masterson, an Ob-Gyn who practices at Ocean Oasis Day Spa in Santa Monica tells Us: “There’s no medical reason for why this couple sees Jesus. It’s the same phenomenon as when you see an image in a cloud.”
Adds NYC-based reproductive endocrinologist Jaime Knopman: “In most cases the image is a 2-D image and therefore objects can look a bit unreal. There is fluid, placenta and body parts that can give a sense of a different object.” But the Truly MD cofounder notes, “Whatever brings someone peace during their pregnancy is a plus.”
In April 2016, a woman in Indiana saw what she believed to be Jesus on the cross in her 31-week ultrasound. “I think it’s a sign from God,” Aley Meyer told Us at the time. “I have been on so many medications for Crohn’s disease, and I think it’s a sign everything will be just fine.”
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