So sweet! Today anchor Hoda Kotb shared an adorable photo of her baby daughter, Haley, having tummy time with dad on Instagram March 15. In the sweet snap, the duo lie face-to-face under a baby gym. The 52-year-old simply captioned the shot with two hearts.
This is the first photo Kotb has shared of the month-old infant with her boyfriend of three years, financier Joel Schiffman. In October, the TV personality, who was wed to Burzis Kanga from 2005 to 2007, announced she was moving in with the 58-year-old. “It’s not going to be easy on Joel,” she joked on her SiriusXM show at the time.
In February, Kotb surprised fans by calling into the morning show to announce she’d adopted the baby girl. “She’s a Valentine’s baby. She is the love of my life,” Kotb said of her daughter, Haley. “I didn’t know my heart could feel like this. This is a moment in my life that I never thought would happen, and here it is, happening to me.”
Though she filed the paperwork solo, leaving Schiffman off the documents, she has said it was only a matter of simplifying the adoption process.
Little Haley has dominated her mom’s Instagram of late, appearing in cuddly photos with Kotb’s beaming colleagues, Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie. “Aunt Savannah showed us how to swaddle!” the proud new mother gushed March 10.