Peter Kraus is always ready to build muscle. “I eat a lot of calories,” the former Bachelorette suitor tells Us. His go-to breakfast? “Three pieces of toast, probably six to eight eggs, a banana and usually a weight gain shake.”
The Wisconsin-based personal trainer — who was the runner-up for Rachel Lindsay’s heart on season 13 of The Bachelorette — isn’t just waxing willy-nilly about protein with Us. He’s playing a game of what we like to call Fitness Fact or Fiction. Read on to get diet and fitness wisdom you can use to reach your goals, whether weight loss or wellness.
Fact or Fiction: Drinking Any Amount of Wine Is Unhealthy
Bachelor Nation may not like this answer! “There’s actually a recent study that does say that alcohol in any form or quantity is not beneficial to health,” the 32-year-old tells Us. “That being said, I think everything in moderation is okay.” And he practices the rule himself! “I had a couple of glasses last night,” he shares. “It’s New York, you have to enjoy yourself.”
Fact or Fiction: It’s Detrimental To Skip Breakfast
Depends. “It depends on your goals. I think that intermittent fasting is really good at times. But I personally like to have breakfast every single day, at least at some point throughout the morning, just so I can have energy for the rest of my day,” he says.
Fact or Fiction: All Sugar Is Bad
Fiction. “Technically every carbohydrate is a sugar, so not every sugar is bad. It’s how your body processes that sugar and what you do with it that’s good or bad,” Kraus, who recently partnered with botanical skincare company Kamedis, notes. It’s best to avoid white sugars or juice though, he says — especially if you’re inactive.”Your body’s probably not gonna use it so it’s gonna turn into fat,” he advises. “Find out what’s appropriate for you and your goals and then try to keep true, simple sugars to minimum no matter what.”
Fact or Fiction: Drinking Beer Will Give You a Beer Gut
Fact. “Beer can be very high in calories and also alcohol is not a calorie that your body really recognizes, so it can’t use it as energy, so it does typically turn into added weight,” says Kraus. As for a beer belly, it’s real: “It also adds to bloat and water retention so even if you’re not gaining true weight, you can retain water which makes you look bloated,” he notes. “And so that’s that belly kind of look.”
Fact or Fiction: As Long As You Work Out, You Can Eat As Much As You Want
Depends. “Yes and no,” says Kraus, noting that Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day in training season. “So work out to meet your diet or do your diet to meet your workout, is how I would look at it.”
Fact or Fiction: Cardio Is More Important Than Weight Training
Fiction. “I think cardio’s actually not as important as weight training,” says Kraus. The reason, he notes, is that people’s bones deteriorate throughout life. “And it’s actually the little microfractures in your bones that are caused by high impact that creates stronger, healthier bones,” he says, adding that weight training, which helps strengthen bones, also burns more fat. “Your body will stay at a higher level of metabolism throughout the rest of the day,” he says. Getting your heart rate up is still important though! “Cardio is for your heart health and your long-term health. It’ll keep you living until your longer years.”