Lena Dunham was inspired by Rihanna when she got her latest ink. The Girls star revealed a new underboob tattoo on Instagram on Thursday, March 2, with a topless selfie to show it off.
“Thank you @trinegrimm for my warrior’s chest plate/tit chandelier,” she wrote alongside a photo of the body art etched underneath her assets. “This is my first original piece by a female tattoo artist and it felt sacred and cool and she didn’t chide me for copying @badgalrir’s placement.”
Rihanna revealed her massive tattoo in the same place in September 2012. Her inking of an Egyptian goddess was in honor of her late grandma, Clara “Dolly” Braithwaite.
Dunham, 30, recently opened up to Vogue magazine about her 9 — now 10 — tattoos, and admitted among other things she’s got a restaurant logo tattooed on her bottom.
“On my side, Jemima [Kirke] tattooed a little picture of her dog, Rosie,” she told the publication’s 73 Questions interviewer. “I have an illustration from a children’s book — a drunk guy did it. It’s not great, I should get it covered up. Then I have Laura Thornhill, who’s one of the first female skateboarders in history.”
“I have Eloise as a tramp stamp — you know, Eloise who lived at the Plaza? And then here [on her inner wrist on her right arm], it says ‘staunch’ right there, from Grey Gardens.”
She added: “On my butt, I have a snake wrapped around the moon. I also have a sign for The Odeon, which is my favorite restaurant in Tribeca.”